Intentional Self-care

Intentional Self Care

Intentional self care is taking the time to care for yourself. Doing self care activities for the purpose and intent of caring for your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Although I mentioned in the video that binge watching might not be a productive way to do self-care, it is not my intent to shame anyone who binge watch on movies when they feel like they just want to decompress.

In fact, watching your favorite shows is a good way to unwind. But spending hours watching movies to no end coupled with no sleep or not eating is maladaptive. It may help you forget your worries while you’re watching. But it’s unhealthy for you physically because your body is not getting the rest and fuel it needs to function at it’s optimum.

Consequently, it could lead to more mental health deterioration in the long run—mood dysregulation due to lack of sleep, self-loathing because you’re being unproductive, depression, etc.