Signs and Symptoms of Anxiety
Cognitive and psychological symptoms such as irritability, mood swings, intrusive thoughts and flashbacks of ugly or unwanted memories, rumination, racing thoughts and excessive worry, irrational fear, sensitive startle response, fear of impending doom, hyper-vigilance, paranoia, disinterest in pleasurable activities, lack of motivation to do anything, and tendency to isolate.
Somatic or physical symptoms such as restlessness— pacing the floor, overeating, loss of appetite, oversleeping, insomnia, constant muscle tensions and aches, digestive problems—acid reflux or hyperacidity, diarrhea, constipation; breathing problems- tightness of the chest, increased heart rate, palpitations, sweating—this is especially pronounced for those having or on the verge of a panic attack; syncope, tremors/shakiness, headaches.
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